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He no nuts, he’s crazy!

I am Short Round. The adorable little kid famously known for his role in Indiana Jones and the Goonies.

My sisters always mention that I look exactly like Short Round when I was around that age. And I’ll be truthful, I admit that there is a very strong resemblance. I wish I had a picture of myself when I was younger so I could do a side by side comparison but all my old pictures are at my parent’s house in New York. Perhaps one of these days I’ll be able to get a photo and post it here. Until then, please enjoy the following classic Short Round quotes.

Hey, lady! You call him Dr. Jones!

Hang on lady, we going for a ride!

Indy! Cover your heart! Cover your heart!

Top Ten – Things to do before I die

Amanda suggested I try this thing out so following her lead, here is my list.

1. Learn to play the guitar or piano (again)

2. Be more confident in everything that I do

3. Learn to write/throw a baseball with my non-primary arm (left)

4. Eat a 10×10 at In-n-out by myself

5. Catch a Home Run/Foul Ball at a baseball game

6. Win the 4th of July Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest

7. Beat Mike Tyson in Punch-Out

8. Make my own rap video

9. Save the world

10. Meet all my internet friends

Things that I hope to accomplish in my life..

I decided it could be fun to make a list of things that I currently feel I would like to accomplish in my life.  I will add onto it as I feel is needed.

  1. Learn to play the ukulele
  2. Take ballet lessons
  3. Find something to smile and laugh about every day
  4. Take pottery classes
  5. Never stop being creative in some way
  6. Learn to play the soprano sax
  7. Find things in life to be passionate about
  8. stay in shape!
  9. Live near a body of water
  10. Travel the world to find new sites, cultures, and flavors
  11. Listen to interesting stories of peoples lives
  12. Have a fruit and vegetable garden
  13. Enjoy simple pleasures
  14. Make lots of friends to share my cooking and laughter
  15. Live a little greener
  16. Learn/try new things all the time
  17. Learn to build an awesome puppet
  18. Worry less!
  19. Gain more confidence
  20. Witness amazing sunsets

I am a Sandy Candy Winner!!

A couple weeks ago I was THRILLED with the news that I was a winner of Sandy Candy! After I had been anxiously awaiting the candy’s arrival it finally arrived on Wednesday which was also the last day before I was moving out of my house in NJ to my house in DE!

sandy candy

Sandy Candy is a new candy invention which is based off the concept of creating sand art (pouring different colored sand in layers into a bottle) but luckily Sandy Candy tastes a lot better then eating sand. Candy Addict just did an interview with the inventor of Sandy Candy, David Klein, who is also the inventor of Jelly Belly! Apparently Sandy Candy was invented by his young daughter Roxy. You can read his blog here, Candy Inventor.

I found this contest at Candy Addict which required me to write a poem about Sandy Candy. Here is the poem that I wrote (I spent about three minutes writing the thing and I don’t concider myself any sort of a poetic person).

Is it candy or is it art?
A question that is asked
Its not often they are combined
But sandy candy is divine!

So many colors
And so many flavors
This is a treat I’d love to try!
I hope at least before I die!

So I’ll make a rainbow
Captured in a tube
Perfect for sharing
For your friends who are caring!

I was afraid to try my Sandy Candy for several days because I was concerned I would try the flavors and immediately feel nauseous from a sugar overload. I also really wanted to be able to share them with people but I do not know a lot of people my age who enjoy shoving pure flavored sugar down their throats. Plus I have been pretty darn busy moving.

This evening I was brave enough to try my Sandy Candy and I am thrilled with the flavors. My pack came with twenty flavors/colors bottles and 50 clear plastic tubes for making Sandy Candy creations in. and for the most part they are very distinct and tasty! The flavors included are Lemon Lime, Wildberry,Fruit Punch, Watermelon, Sweet Lemonade, Cherry Crème, Green Apple, Tangerine, Orange Crème, Wild Cherry, Root Beer, Cotton Candy, Strawberry, Tart Apple, Bubble Gum, Grape, Blue Raspberry and Black Cherry. My favorite flavors are probably wild berry, tar apple, blue raspberry, and grape. I really love that the flavors are strong and many of them are tart so its a much better experience then pouring sugar packets into your mouth. I wish that there were not flavors that repeat themselves like green apple and tangerine or sweet lemonade and lemonade. But I am impressed with 20 different flavors (there are even MORE flavors available then that!)
This product would be perfect for fundraisers, birthday parties, and as a carnival booth. I wouldn’t recommend the pack of 50 to people over 20 who do not have very many friends =P.

Snap! Crackle! Pop!

It has been a while since I last updated. To make amends for that, I bring you pictures! I should have done this earlier since my birthday was weeks ago but my camera was out of batteries and I kept forgetting to get new ones. So without further ado, I present to you a gift that one of my friends got me for my birthday.

As you might have guessed, that is a rice crispy treat in the shape of Mickey Mouse that my friend bought for me from Disneyland. And yes, it was delicious.

An Adventure to Great Adventure!

Yesterday my boyfriend surprised me with a trip to Six Flags Great Adventure! We had a lot of fun together riding the coasters and felt nostalgic riding the merry-go-round.


The only thing that I found pretty disappointing was the new roller coaster “The Dark Knight” that happened to be celebrating its grand opening yesterday. The line was quite long and we had no idea what it actually was other then it was a coaster since it was all indoors. We waited in the long line which was semi-entertaining once we got into the building (which was WAY too air conditioned) since they showed a video clip that told the story which was supposed to explain how we were escaping Gothem City or some business. There was also a video screen which showed the faces of the people waiting in line and would put digital joker masks over peoples faces when you looked straight into the camera. Anyway, after standing in line forever we got onto the ride not knowing what it was going to be like and as soon as the the car entered the dark coaster room I was pissed! This was not some AWESOME UNIQUE NEW COASTER it was that same annoying whip-lash coaster that can be seen at many other amusement parks and boardwalks that I know as the Crazy Mouse ride. The best roller coasters of the day were Nitro and Superman.

We made a stop at one of the candy shops and I purchased a whole bunch of delicious candy!

Trolli Sour Bombers- These are quite tasty. They are slightly firmer to Welch’s Cherry Fruit snack but a very similar taste and shape. They have a sour liquid cherry burst that gives them a nice sour cherry burst.

Twizzlers Rainbow Twists- I am currently snacking on these but I am not thrilled by them. I have read a couple reviews of them on candy blogs (which I read all the time) and I knew that they did not get great reviews but I wanted to try them for myself since I love the pretty colors. They are not as sweet and fruity as regular Twizzlers are and the flavors are very artificial tasting.

Sour Punch Straws Blue Razamatazz (4.5oz package) and Chargin Cherry (2 .90z straws) – Sour Punch Straws are probably my favorite candy ever but they are kind of hard to find. They have the perfect combination of chewiness (but not too chewy like Sour Patch Kids tend to be), fruitiness, and sour kick. I have never had the blue razamatazz flavor before and it has a little too much blue berry flavor for my taste but they are still yummy. The chargin cherry is always a tasty treat with lots of flavorful cherry taste.

Anyway we had a great day at Six Flags thanks to my boyfriend for taking me!

I can cry if I want to

On this day, a great man was born in this world. The person I am talking about is none other than myself. I don’t mean to brag but I’m awesome. Probably, no, most likely, no, definitely more cooler than you. I have been working on a different post for a few days now but I feel that I must dedicate this day to me. So I’m wishing myself a happy birthday. I expect many presents in the mail.

Holy crap I’m old!

The Fox and the Street Sweeper

Sounds like the title of a new Disney movie doesn’t it? Early this afternoon I was sitting in bed and I heard the wonderful sounds of the street sweeper coming up my street! Now to some of you it may be a common occurence to watch a street sweeper but in my neck of the woods the town seems to only have one that travels all the roads in town once a year to clean up all the gravely mess that the salting trucks leave behind during the winter. I hopped out of bed and watched the street sweeper circle around the dead-end several times! I took a picture:

I always kinda wanted to drive a street sweeper once.  Or an ice cream truck I think it would be really exciting somehow!
I also opened another package of Model Magic and built a fox!

Rant of the week: Red means go

Traffic, this single word can make normal people red-faced with anger and filled with rage. I have lived in the worst cities for bumper to bumper traffic. Raised just outside New York City, which is world famous for bad drivers and the constant sea of yellow taxi cabs always in a rush to get somewhere. I went to school in downtown Atlanta, which was a bit better because the highways were at least 5 lanes across each way which helped lessen the congestion. But then, after spending 4 years there for school, I moved to sunny California. The traffic here is comparable to New York, cars move at a snail’s pace during rush hour.

However, this isn’t what bothers me. I don’t mind sitting in my air conditioned automobile, sitting to the radio while basically trapped in the world’s biggest parking lot. No, in fact, it has to deal with people who don’t know how or when to brake. The way I drive is very similar to my personality, very casual and laid-back. I rarely speed or red line the RPM gauge. I tend to be very aware of my surroundings, so I know when speed up, slow down or just cruise.

So when I’m drifting along at my own merry pace, I expect other drivers to chug along with the same mindset. However, all too often, I have to prematurely step on my brakes when the immediate car in front of me starts slowing down for no apparent reason. There’s no red light ahead, there’s no traffic or slow down, there’s no cop car hiding in the bushes, there’s no wild jay walker running across the middle of the street, just wide open asphalt. Some people abuse the brakes, tapping it several times without reason. Whenever I see the red lights flash up and I peer ahead to see what the commotion ahead is all about and see nothing, sometimes it just drives me up the wall. They force me to apply the brakes and slow down, ruining the perfectly content mood that I was in. Maybe I’m the crazy one here, maybe this is a stupid reason for getting upset but all people have pet peeves and this just happens to be one of mine.

Going a little bit more crazy everyday, see you next time.

Arts & Crafts

I never knew that Amanda was so creative. I could never take a ball of clay and make it into something so nice. Therefore, to prove to others that she’s not the only one with talent around here, I would have to start a project of my own. Back when I was in elementary school, one of my hobbies was model building. I had an aircraft carrier, a fighter jet, and a helicopter that I had made. For some reason or another, I grew out of that and moved on to other things like baseball and such.

Last year, I passed by a hobby store near my house. On a whim, I decided to check it out. I don’t think many people know this, but I am a military history buff, especially World War II. So I found a tank from that era, bought some glue and made my mind to built it that week. However, because I’m a procrastinator, I had tucked it away in a cabinet and completely forgotten about it until now. So without further ado, I present to you the first part of my tank project. Don’t worry, I will post more pictures as the model progresses. I apologize for the bad quality and lighting, my camera is a cheap piece of junk that I need to replace soon.

This is the box that I had just unsealed of a German Tiger tank from World War II.

Here are the contents when I take the top off.

I have laid out all the pieces including the instructions.